

TRITIX is a 3-dimensional game of Tic-Tac-Toe played between 2 players each with 4 different pieces on a board consisting of 3 layers.


Based on the original board game TRIPLEX (Created by L Wood James)

About the Project:

Made with: Unity, Facebook SDK for login, GameSparks for multiplayer

Role: Sole Developer

Project Length: 1 Year

This was my first game that I made with Unity and was made over the course of a year of on & off development in my spare time. The reason I decided to recreate this game was because I had played it in a local boardgame shop and the next time I went, it had disappeared.

I was the sole developer and handled everything including the programming, UI design, finding suitable Assets, release on Google Play, etc.

For the multiplayer I originally implemented a solution that used DynamoDB with AWS but eventually decided to switch to GameSparks because they had a very generous free plan for indies and could accomodate any scaling needs much better than I could have at the time.

Funnily enough the feature that took the longest was the outline of pieces, I knew nothing about shaders at the time and used this feature as an excuse to take a video course on them, but when I finally got to the point where I could make it, the method I learned required a 2-pass shader (which LWRP didn’t support at the time), so instead the outline is a separate mesh, slightly scaled up with front face culling enabled.

If you are curious about how it was made, I’ve opened up the entire codebase on GitHub