There are a lot of tutorials out there about how to make flashy features for a game like a crafting system or a... [Read More]
There are a lot of tutorials out there about how to make flashy features for a game like a crafting system or a... [Read More]
With the yearly slow jam upon us, the folks of Team Bouldy reunited once again, though this time we wanted to challenge ourselves by learning a brand new engine by using Godot.
The theme of the jam was THE MORE THE MERRIER!!! so after some brainstorming, we got pretty hungry... [Read More]
Over the last year, I’ve been learning Unreal in my free time and having an absolute blast. Since then, multiple friends have asked me for resources I’ve found helpful during the process, so I’m collecting them here along with some tips I wish I would have had starting out.
Just... [Read More]
In August of 2022 we as Team Bouldy decided to get the band back together for a new project, so we registered for a slow jam with PigSquad. The jam itself provides both a technical and a creative theme, the technical for this jam being a Boss Fight, and the... [Read More]
I worked on this project during the 2021 Seattle Indies Slow Jam with most of the same team from Where’s My Keys and Deep Dig Pizza. Since the programmer I partnered with on the previous projects was unavailable, I acted as the sole engineer and gameplay designer.
After the rough... [Read More]
After finishing Where’s My Keys, the team I was on had such a blast working together that we decided to reunite for Ludum Dare 48!
We started with a brainstorming session where we thought of some possible ways that we could tackle the theme “Deeper & Deeper” with the obvious... [Read More]
Over the past year of quarantine, I’ve been participating in game jams, and I’m usually the person responsible for creating and uploading builds to itch.io for the team to test. Aside from being a tedious task, this process blocks less technical members of my team from seeing their work run... [Read More]
After shipping TRITIX, I felt a strong desire to make a game that was wholely my own and didn’t re-implement an existing game. One of the highlights of my time in college was getting together with a group of friends and spending hours playing games together like... [Read More]